Thursday, August 23, 2012

Lifehack lesson #! - Building a Journaling Habit in 28 days

Okay.  So I have always wanted to be a person who kept a journal.  I just never seem to make it a habit.  I found this Lifehack Lesson on how to build a journaling habit in 28 days.  So.... here I go again. 

First lesson is to list five reasons why I want to journal or what I want to accomplish with my journal: 

  1. To be able to share the story of my life with other family members and friends. 
  2. To sort out the things that I learn, worry about, deal with, on a daily basis. 
  3. To clear my mind.... some days you just need to put it on paper so the thoughts will let you rest. 
  4. To glorify my Lord with the gifts that He gives me on a daily basis.
  5. To show Tabitha the importance of journaling at her age so that she can develop the habit earlier in life. (I wish I had started earlier so that she would have a piece of our life to keep with her forever).
That wasn't so bad.  Now let's see if I can accomplish these things on a daily basis. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Making progress

Day 2 of my focus on new habits and I can proudly say I completed all 4 tasks.  I am loving my new bible Study by Angela Thomas, "Beautiful Offering".  It is on the Sermon on te Mount. So awesome how God orchestrated the timing where this week we would be studying about being poor in spirit.  I have felt like I had hit a wall for a while and can't seem to get  around it. I am praying for God to give me a desire for him and to show me the direction that I need to go.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Habits to change this week

Okay.  I am going to try to be more organized and manage my time better. So here is a list of my goals for this week.

1.  15 minutes of bible study and prayer daily.
2.  a load a day keeps mount WASHmore away.
3.  I will not go to bed with a dirty kitchen.
4.  Supper at the table every night.

So these all seem basic. . .and they are but they are not a daily habit for me.  So my goal is to make these 4 items daily habits for me. Gotta start somewhere!

So its Monday night. . .
DONE  1.  15 minutes of bible study and prayer daily.
DONE 2.  a load a day keeps mount WASHmore away.
DONE  (Thanks to Tabitha) 3.  I will not go to bed with a dirty kitchen.
DONE  4.  Supper at the table every night.

That's a start!